راهرو گر صد هنر دارد تحمل بایدش

You find the light in your heart through love..

Pain reveals the devil in your soul...

Still, there is a moment.. There is a decision to be made...

دلم می خواد با هم باشیم و یکشنبه ظهر باشه و من یهو بگم پاشو دکور خونه رو عوض کنیم و تو بگی همین جوری که خوبه و من بگم خوبه ولی دلم می خواد عوض شه و تو نق بزنی و اما پاشی دکور خونه رو عوض کنیم و بعد از ظهرش روی مبلی که جاش عوض شده بشینیم و چایی بخوریم....

گر سر ننهم وانگه گله کن...

You, leaving me alone here, and the more I think, the more I realize how many mistakes I've made... I get to believe that maybe after all, I don't deserve you! As simple as that! Maybe I just don't deserve you for all my mistakes and impurities and weaknesses! And maybe it doesn't matter how I'd love to change, how I'd give up everything only for your good, how unimaginable it is not to be with you... as long as I don't deserve you, I won't get to have you by my side... 

Maybe I lost my faith on the way! At some point, maybe I just stopped believing that someone like you could ever exist! And I just stopped deserving someone like you.. And now I'm drown in my sins... Wishing for a miracle, begging for salvation...